Strange Histories: A Bizarre Collaboration

by Ian Trask and 28 of his friends


This book is a uniquely weird compilation of written stories that were inspired by my popular series of 35mm slide collages. The 38 stories contained within it were collected during a three-year process of creative call-and-response with a group of 29 amazing friends and artists. In the foreword to the book, contributor Brandon Kaplan describes these stories as:

" turns funny, poetic, fabulist, political, and deeply personal. Their remarkable range in both style and substance bears out how a work of art can transcend individual experience, signifying many meanings among many people and connecting them all through a common point. The book maps a constellation of such connections between image and language, artist and patron, friends and strangers, past and present, expression and meaning."

List of Contributing Writers

Maximilian Bode - Sam Cohan - Evans Dickerson - Danielle Durchslag - Ryan Frank - Mary Gilliland - George Horner - Nancy Hubbard - Oliver Jeffers - Juleen Eun Sun Johnson - Colin Jones - Brandon Kaplan - Emma Katz - Laura Mandelson - Mason Miller - Anne Mourier - Richard Norris - Mac Premo - Linda Serrone Rolon - Yayoi Shionoiri - Risa Shoup - SpamBot - Daniella Trask - Ian Trask - Peter Treiber Jr. - Kevin Waldron - Margaret Withers - Aamir Wyne - Lucien Zayan

Book design by the incredibly talented team at Project 13.

Definitely a unique adventure! a flying circus for the mind… and it all springs from a pile of discarded slides mined for that ore of irony and a slice of elsewhere... it’s a nice hefty book that both looks and feels good...
— Dave Wade, artist in Portland, ME
In a word ... Magical ... It is so wonderful, you and all the contributors should be deeply proud to have put this strange and beautiful creation into the world.

The images radiate such mystery and invitation;
The writings are provocative cracks into other worlds; and
The booking design is tight and holds a quality of keepsake treasure.

Bravo! Brava!

Thank you for making such a thing, it’s strange in the best sense of the word.
— John Coleman, artist in Portland, ME
Your book is ridiculous. Such a poetic power blow!
— John Bisbee, artist in Brunswick, ME